
First meeting : 25th July 2011
The first meeting was to discuss about introduction of the group members and also the division of work. We planned on the places that we should write about in Pahang and we planned about the number of buttons we should have in our website. We decided to have 5 buttons in our website which are 
  1. HOME

Second meeting: 8th August 2011
In the second meeting, we already collected information regarding the areas and we updated our group blog regarding the GUI design and the flow chart. It was hard to juggle between so many assignments but we work according to our own free time but given a valid dateline. Other than that, we planned on what content shall we insert into our buttons and made sure that the facts does not clash. Besides that, we also note down a list of references as a guide to our website.
Third meeting: 22nd August 2011
In the third meeting, we finalized our layout and we start working on our buttons. We had a short discussion and went home to continue our work. The trouble we had this time is because of the constraint of days due to the Hari Raya celebration. Two of our members are Malays and therefore, it was decided that the non Malays will work on the website during Raya and the other two will work on it after Raya. We mailed each other the folder of our website and we managed to finish everything by Saturday.